Sunday 13 July 2008

j3d ubuntu java3d linux解决方法

if you wanna run a application based on java3d ,you should configure the environment .the first step ,download java3d from sun' website.if it a bin file,
do like this:
sudo chmod +x *.bin
sudo ./*.bin
and then bin file will be extracted in the present directory.and in the i386 dir,you will find two so files,put them in the path like:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/i386/
in the ext dir ,there would be three jar files. put them in /usr/lib/jvm/jre/ext path.
and now you can run whatever you like.
PS :
if u use eclipse to develop 3d application based on java ,and some problems occurs ,u can right click the project and choose build path item,and and external jars ,and then choose the three jar files.

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